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Climate Awareness


New Shift focuses specifically on low-income communities of color because the people in these communities tend to be the first affected by the worst outcomes of climate change. By raising awareness about the effects of climate change on these front line communities, people can feel empowered to demand more protections from climate policymakers, while also building self-sufficiency and community resilience in the face of climate disasters.

Environmental Justice Education

New shift is on a mission to make sure the people in communities of color that are most impacted are well-informed about what's being done in their communities and what their options are to stop it. Many people in frontline communities may be unaware of the history of polluting large corporations have been involved in, or if they do know they ma feel powerless to do anything about it. These corporations are often in cahoots with local governments to endanger the health of communities all in the name of profit, and people deserve to be aware of this complete disregard for their health and well-being.

Megaphone Protestor

Sustainable Living Education

Organic Garden

The team at New Shift Project are well aware of the race and class dynamic that often determines which communities get access to information about how to make sustainable choices and which communities don't have access to this information. The fact that in low=income Black and Brown cities across the U.S> recycling doesn't even get picked up is a clear indication of how little consideration is put into education and supporting these communities about sustainable living practices and we're determined to change that. 

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